Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Intaglio Snowflake, Soap Challenge August 2017

 Intaglio Snowflake - Surface Carving Soap
by Ronda Scorpio

Intaglio Technique

Great Cakes SoapWorks Soap Challenge Club
August 2017

Thank You Amy Ward https://soapchallengeclub.com  
and the Sponsors 
Majestic Mountain Sage https://www.thesage.com 
 Nurture Soap  https://nurturesoap.com
for bring this Challenge to us.

Thank You to Clyde Yoshida for bring this technique to Soap

This has defiantly been a Soap Challenge. I spent many hours trying to figure out how to make it happen between slab mold, tools & design.  I am glad that I participated.  
That being said it is participation that counts.  
So, here is my entry to the Intaglio Technique August 2017 Soap Works  Challenge.

I was intrige by the process so I decided to give it a try.

After signing up for the challenge I watched 3 videos on by Clyde Yoshida the founder of Intaglio Soap Technique.

I started shopping for carving tools & made a tool caddy for my new tools, 

How to make a tool caddy

I made a wire cutter

While I was researching carving techniques I made a corrugated plastic mold to fit 4 bars & created the liner. 

How I made my Corrugated Plastic Mold

The challenge is to try and figure out what to carve into my soap....
it wasn't until August 13/17 when I had figured out how to draw a Snowflake. 

I found a video on YouTube on how to draw a Snowflake.

Not sure it it will translate but I am going to give it a try :-)

I used a Volume Calculator to help me plan out my recipe http://saffireblue.ca/shop/base_oil_calculator.html

Used SoapCalc to create my recipe http://soapcalc.net/calc/soapcalcwp.asp

First colour Light Blue

Second Colour Darker Blue, Swirled into First Colour

Main part of the Bar White

When I took my soap out of the mold and took the liner off it created a texture to the surface of the soap.

I tried a second one.......

According to Webster’s, intaglio is “an engraving or incised figure in stone or other hard material depressed below the surface so that an impression from the design yields an image in relief. Engraved or incised work where the design is sunk into the surface is called intaglio, and is the opposite of cameo, where the design is in relief. The term intaglio is also used to describe printmaking processes in which the design is cut, scratched, or etched into a printmaking surface of copper, zinc, or aluminum; ink is then rubbed into the incisions or grooves, the surface wiped clean, and the paper is embossed into the incised lines with pressure from a roller press.”